Competency Based Interview

Competency-Based Interview (CBI) is a highly interactive training that addresses all stages of the interview – from preparation to interpreting the results and making the final decision. Participants will improve the preparation of interviews, learn to ask the right questions with the help of which they will learn the most about each candidate and thus make the best possible decision for your company regarding candidates.

Two courses are available within our training academy: 

  1. Interactive training for HR professionals and beginners 
  2. Intensive workshop for hiring managers  

Interactive training for HR professionals and beginners  

Our highly interactive certification training Competency Based Interview allows participants to get acquainted in detail with all phases of this interview method – from preparation, execution to closing during two days of training in a dynamic atmosphere that leaves many opportunities to practice with an SHL certified trainer .  

Who is the training for:  

  • Beginners in the field of HR, especially those involved in recruitment and selection  
  • HR professionals who want to gain new knowledge and improve their interviewing skills  
  • To all those who want to apply a standardized approach to interviewing in a business context 


  • What is a competency model and how does it contribute to increased objectivity in the business environment?   
  • How to set a competency model for any position? 
  • How to select the most effective questions that will allow you to get the information you need to make an informed decisions? 
  • How to conduct a competency based interview in a structured, focused, comprehensive and fair way? 
  • How to systematically evaluate the information you received during the interview process?  

Intensive Workshop for Managers 

Advanced Competency Based Interviewing is a workshop tailored to hiring managers who want to improve their interviewing skills through expert advice and interactive sessions with an SHL Certified Trainer and get certified for competency-based interviewing.  

Who is the training for:  

  • Managers who want to improve their interviewing skills   


  • How does identifying key competencies directly related to business outcomes improve the interview process?   
  • How to improve the way you ask questions in an interview so that you can accurately measure the individual potential of each candidate?  
  • What tools can you use together with an interview to make an objective decision based on comprehensive evidence?  
  • How do you conduct an interview by classifying and evaluating the answers you receive in an efficient and effective way that improves your decision-making skills? 

Structured Interviews are 0 times more efficient

at predicting future success at work than unstructured interviews